Facebook sweepstakes are great ways to promote your business and give back to your fans or customers. When creating a draw, it is important that you find the details and configure it correctly so that it reaches the maximum number of people. Luckily, setting up a Facebook draw is easy as long as you follow the right techniques and have a solid game plan. We take every report on illegal lotteries and sweepstakes seriously so that we can assess the illegal gambling activities offered to consumers in the UK, and we write to the organisers of illegal lotteries to emphasise that the activities are illegal. Follow this guide to get a complete understanding of Facebook`s sweepstakes rules and how to run a sweepstakes on Facebook. Use this rule template when you run your next gift. According to this definition, a raffle is called a “small lottery,” which emphasizes the fact that people pay to buy a numbered ticket, with the corresponding tickets entered into a jar and randomly withdrawn. Those who have tickets that match those of the pot win a prize. Tickets all cost the same amount of money, which means that each ticket offered has the same chances of winning for the same price as the one paid for it. The information in this help guide is intended for anyone planning to raise funds for personal winnings or winnings through a legal sweepstakes (or lottery). Running a raffle on your page is great because it`s easy – it`s easy to create a Facebook raffle post that grabs attention and entices people to participate. On the other hand, you can`t really gather information about prospects because you don`t have a signup form, which means post-sweepstake marketing efforts rely on Facebook`s organic reach (and we know that`s not that great). There are important rules and regulations that operators must follow.

It depends on the type of raffle, lottery or raffle (usually on a fairground) that you organize. Otherwise, however, it could lead to prosecution by the UK judicial authorities. This model is based on a series of previous Facebook sweepstakes held by businesses, large and small, typically in North America. There may also be local regulations that are not addressed in this bill, but it is a good start. It is illegal to offer a lottery without the right license or legal permission, even if it is intended to raise funds for a good cause. Nevertheless, lotteries (including things like sweepstakes, sweepstakes, and some other types of contests) are a form of gambling. As a result, they are subject to laws about who can exploit them – and how. The easiest way to ask people for their permission is to include an opt-in checkbox in your sweepstakes entry form that allows them to choose whether or not to give you their permission. Update your brief with everything you need to know about the Facebook sweepstakes rules described above. If you`ve organized your raffle with a contest app, now is the time to shine.

Send an email to the list of (non-winners) participants telling them that unfortunately they did not win, but that you would like to give them a special discount as a thank you for their participation. You may even want to set up a drip to remind customers (maybe a week in advance and again just before the end) to use the discount before it expires. We will not hesitate to take decisive action against offenders, and we have the power to act when the law is broken. In the most serious cases, we may also consider prosecuting organizers of illegal raffles or lotteries. In other words, if you want your raffle to help you make money, you need to make sure that there is an element of skills or knowledge that limits the number of participants. For this reason, many websites that state that they offer “sweepstakes” have a question about the draw that you must answer before you can participate. If you do not answer it correctly, you will not be able to participate. Click here for more ways to announce the winners of the draw. Secondary lotteries are those that are organized by commercial events such as an exhibition or non-commercial events such as a school festival. They must be for a good cause and cannot make a commercial profit. In all these incidents, the word “lottery” can be replaced by “raffle” if you look like it is.

They are essentially the same, and the same rules apply to both. Who can run them and who can participate differs from type to type. And, of course, there`s paid advertising. While you might think that advertising for a raffle is a waste (why not just promote your website or products directly?), people are often not quite ready to buy when they see your brand for the first time. Entering a contest is a low-engagement promotion that allows you to connect with buyers in your target market that you can more reliably convert into sales in the future. The big question is whether all these raffles are legally organized. This may seem like a small thing if you`re dealing with your local church giving given prizes for a pound, but once you start raising the stakes, you`ll likely find yourself in a position where the Gambling Commission gets involved. Here`s what you need to know about the legality – or non-legality – of sweepstakes. You can ask people to perform any of these actions to participate in your Facebook raffle: the basic function of a raffle, party raffle, and lotteries is similar in many ways. Nevertheless, there are significant and fundamental differences between these types of fundraising. When organizing a raffle, it is your responsibility to make sure you follow the rules and do not break the law.

The Gambling Commission is happy to answer any questions you may have to make sure you`re on the right side of the law, but if you don`t ask them, you may find that you`re running an illegal lottery instead of the pleasant raffle you thought you`d run. You can run a sweepstakes on your Page timeline, in a Facebook Pages tab, and on a Facebook app Page. You cannot enter a draw on the timeline of your personal profile. Make sure you only use your work account. Whether it`s local churches or a dog shelter looking to raise capital for much-needed improvements to the building they use, you`ll encounter all sorts of raffles in your life. Some may be for something as big as a house, while others may be for something much smaller like a bottle of wine, but the general principle works the same way. All participants will have a raffle number and one will be drawn to discover the winner. In short, this means that you can`t ask raffle participants to identify themselves (or their friends) in a photo they are not present in. This provision is intended to prevent people from spamming their friends` newsfeeds with erroneous content.

Learn more about the legal requirements for lotteries on social media. If you ask people to enter their contact information such as email, phone or photos, videos or text, you should make it clear on your sweepstakes page that you are collecting them and not Facebook. To comply with this rule, you must use your own brand, company name and images on the sweepstakes page and not say that Facebook is part of it. The responsibilities that apply to people who run a sweepstakes are as follows: If you`re running a Facebook contest, running a Facebook sweepstakes is one of the best ways to drive traffic, engagement, and tastes and attract new followers online. But the rules and regulations for enforcing them can be difficult to understand. And Facebook doesn`t make things easier by constantly making its own policies and platform changes. There are many examples of people “hosting” raffles online, but it turns out that the raffle itself never took place and was a scam. That`s why it`s so important to make sure you have a witness to make the draw.

If you`re planning to host your raffle online, you might even want to make a video of the draw and then post it so everyone can see how it was done and that everything was right. Let`s start with a brief introduction to the best practices for holding a legal draw on Facebook: it may seem obvious when you think about it, but sweepstakes are very similar to lotteries and the UK Gambling Commission thinks about it the same way.