The tourism industry is generally regulated and rules are regularly enforced. Hazardous areas/activities are marked with appropriate signage and professional staff are usually available to assist with organised activities. Make sure you get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before travelling to Germany. This card replaces the E111 and entitles you to emergency medical treatment under the same conditions as German citizens. The EHIC does not replace travel insurance and does not cover medical repatriation, ongoing medical treatment or non-urgent treatment. You can apply online. Some tickets, such as a day pass or a 7-day pass, have an open date or time and must be validated before boarding public transport to indicate at what time and date you started using the ticket. Tickets are validated by entering them into a validator. Validation machines (yellow or red) are usually located on underground and overhead platforms, as well as on trams and buses. Make sure you have a valid ticket for each zone you are travelling in. Prices and transportation rules vary from city to city, so check the transportation department of the city you`re visiting. At the time of writing, a Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe day ticket expires at 3 a.m. the day after validation (i.e.

not 24 hours after validation) and a 7-day ticket expires at midnight on the seventh day of validation. In Dresden, a day ticket expires at 4 a.m., in Hamburg at 6 a.m. and in Frankfurt at the end of the service or on the last trip of the day. Check at the checkout to find out what the rules are. Anyone caught without a valid or validated ticket may be fined immediately. All travelers entering Germany must present one of the following documents: a recent negative test result for coronavirus, proof of full vaccination or proof of recovery. Children under 6 years of age are exempt from the obligation to provide evidence. The new entry conditions apply to all countries, whether they enter a low-risk, high-risk area or area with variants of concern, and regardless of the mode of transport. This means that the rules also apply to train travel.

The embassy has no involvement in driver`s licenses. If you lose your Irish driving licence, you will need to contact the National Driving Licence Service in Ireland. If your license is then submitted to the embassy, the embassy will return it to the NDLS. Further information can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health and in this information brochure. Germany generally has high-quality medical care and facilities. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are widely available, although the brand names and names of drugs are different from those found in the United States. A travel ban applies to countries where the incidence of variants of concern of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (known as variants of concern) is widespread. Transport companies, e.g. airlines and railways, are not allowed to transport people from these countries to Germany. There are only a few strictly defined exceptions to this travel ban for: Passengers must also certify that the information they provide is true. WeWork Taunusanlage, Taunusanlage 8, 60329, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Website: During this quarantine, travelers are not allowed to leave the house or apartment or receive guests. Credit cards are not as widely accepted in Germany as they are in the United States; However, ATMs are widely used throughout Germany.

If you are considering travelling abroad to have a child through the use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) or surrogacy, please read our “ART and Surrogacy Abroad”. Sign up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive status and safety updates. In Germany, self-isolation is mandatory in accordance with the ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Health of 28 September 2021 on the coronavirus entry ordinance. Traffic rules: If you are involved in a traffic accident in Germany, even if it is a small wing collision, you MUST stay with your vehicle and not leave the scene of the accident until the police arrive to file a complaint. It is illegal to use your mobile phone while driving in Germany. Except on priority roads, vehicles coming from the right have priority. In Germany, overtaking vehicles on the right side is generally prohibited. The Germans strictly adhere to the “drive slower” rule. It is illegal to drive if your blood alcohol level is 0.05% or higher. You may be fined and your driver`s licence may be suspended for certain periods, depending on the seriousness of each offence. Getting comprehensive travel insurance can save you and your family a lot of money if something goes wrong. It will also ensure that you get the medical care you need when you need it.

Hospital bills can quickly run into the thousands, and medical evacuation to Ireland can cost thousands more. Travelers who only make a connection at an airport in Germany must also provide proof of their COVID-19 status. This applies both to non-Schengen transit to or from third countries outside the EU and to transit to or from the Schengen States. Passengers entering Germany from a designated risk area must undergo a 14-day quarantine at home or other suitable accommodation, unless they are immediately passing through Germany. A risk zone is a country where the rate of new infections exceeds 50 per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days and where there is an increased risk of infection. This list of risk areas is published on the Robert Koch Institute website and is regularly updated. Since restrictions are implemented differently in different countries, detailed information on the regulations in force in a particular area should be obtained from local authorities. Proof of examination, recovery or vaccination must be presented to carriers for verification prior to travel. Only in the case of international rail transport or international short sea shipping can proof be provided during the journey. In addition, upon entry into Germany, proof must be presented to the German border authorities at their request. It is forbidden to cross German pedestrian crossings if the red pedestrian light is on.

Violators risk a fine and payment of all costs in the event of an accident. Although the embassy cannot offer legal advice if you wish to contest a fine, we can send you a list of English-speaking lawyers if you wish to pursue the case privately.