Uncategorized September 29, 2022
Between the age of exit, the number of years of contribution or the allowance, we will give you a brief overview of the 5 things to know about retirement thanks to the association Frontaliers Grand Est founded by the region. ✔ It should be noted that each country calculates the pension in accordance with national legislation and in proportion to the working time worked in each country. This also means that the insured person receives the benefits of each country only if he has fulfilled the age requirement laid down in the legislation of the country concerned, since the retirement age and the conditions for retirement vary from one country to another. Luxembourg legislation takes into account the different types of periods in the calculation of the duration of the internship: at age 55, you can request an estimate of the amount of your pension from the French and Luxembourg funds. The legal retirement age in Luxembourg is 65. However, it is possible, under certain conditions, to claim an early retirement pension at the age of 57 or 60. If you are a cross-border commuter working in Luxembourg, the question has certainly already come to mind: what does retirement in the Grand Duchy look like? As you can see, calculating your pension if you are a cross-border commuter is a delicate exercise. You need to know the sometimes complicated calculation methods of the plans you contribute to. The retirement of cross-border commuters is similar to that of expatriates. The carsat of France gives me the pension at 55 at the rate of 80% SOURDITE Hello, A question.
How does this happen for a cross-border worker who has worked in Belgium and Luxembourg but lives in Germany but has never worked there? I also have to apply for a pension in Germany or can I apply directly in Luxembourg? And I can apply for retirement after a total of 40 years (7 years BE + 33 years Lux)? Thank you very much! The calculation of the European pension is based on: whether it is close or still seems distant, it must necessarily be in a head angle. We are talking about retirement, of course. Here you will find everything you need to know if you have worked or are still active in Luxembourg. It should be noted that Luxembourg`s gross pensions are subject to Contributions from luxembourg health insurance (2.80%), taxes and the contribution to the financing of long-term care insurance (1.4%). To be entitled to an old-age pension, you must have contributed for 10 years (120 months). This does not mean that you must have worked in Luxembourg for 10 years. The country only requires that you have contributed to its pension system for at least 1 year. It will take into account the contribution periods in the other Member States (European Union, European Economic Area and Switzerland) in the calculation of the 120 months. This is happening in Luxembourg for my retirement ?? When should I touch it? The Luxembourg pension consists of a fixed amount (a flat rate of 1/40 earned per year of contribution within the maximum limit of 40 years) and a proportional amount (percentage of all salaries received during the professional career). If you have not completed 40 years of insurance but have at least 20 years of insurance, your pension will be reduced by 1/40 for each missing year.
Hello after the imminent withdrawal of the disability of recognition of the France, I am 54 years old If the insured does not live in Luxembourg, he must submit his application to the competent authority of his country of residence. The foreign fund must therefore submit an application to the CNAP on behalf of the insured person in order to assert his rights to the Luxembourg pension. This situation corresponds to the vast majority of cross-border commuters. The pension system in Luxembourg operates according to 3 pillars: if you started working in France and then in the Grand Duchy, if you have been insured in the Community for 65 years and 120 months throughout your career, your right to a Luxembourg old-age pension is open. On the other hand, if you worked in Luxembourg and then in France, you have the French pension from the age of 62, which is proportional to the insurance period you have completed there. Read also – Do you have to work in Luxembourg for ten years to retire? The European pension will therefore be higher than the national pension in this example, since the maximum rate will only be reached in this calculation. In the case of continued employment beyond the statutory retirement age with a salary greater than 1/3 of the social minimum wage, the early retirement pension begins to run on the 1st day of the month following the application. In this case, the old-age pension is reduced. The pension reform adopted in 2012 provided for the effective retirement age to be brought closer to 65. In order to best prepare for your retirement, you can also pay a supplementary pension to an insurance company.
By concluding such a contract, you benefit from a supplementary pension plan. This pension is paid to you if you have contributed for at least 10 years, at the earliest at the age of 60 and at the latest at the age of 75. Having worked as a tiler in Luxembourg for 13 years from 2000 to 2013, Luxembourg law requires 120 months of affiliation (10 years) to be entitled to a pension: this does not mean that if you have not worked in Luxembourg for 10 years, you will not be able to claim a Luxembourg pension! For the calculation of the 120 months, Luxembourg takes into account periods of insurance in the other Member States, in particular those completed in France during other professional activities (= aggregation of insurance periods). Please note that this double calculation can only be applied once you have released your pension rights in the countries concerned. Depending on the legal retirement age, it is sometimes necessary to wait a few years to compare national and Community pensions. If you have worked in France (or in a Member State of the European Union or in a country of the European Economic Area or Switzerland) and in Luxembourg, you will receive an old-age pension from each State, provided that you have contributed in each country for at least one year (except in France, where a contribution period of one quarter is sufficient). Each country calculates and pays your share of the pension proportionally. You can only benefit from early retirement in Luxembourg at the age of 57 to 60 if your total insurance period (in Luxembourg + in other Member States) is at least 480 months. As far as retirement is concerned, there is theory and then practice: if the legal retirement age in Luxembourg is set at 65, it must be borne in mind that, according to the Minister of Social Security, the effective retirement age is on average earlier between 60 and just over 61. Claude Haagen (LSAP).