As of November 2021, 18 states have taken steps to legalize recreational marijuana, less than half of the 37 states that have legalized medical marijuana. Although the cannabis language was removed from the Farm Act, the “hemp with federal law” bill includes hemp and THC and ensures that hemp remains legal in the state. Legalizing recreational marijuana use received less support than medical marijuana from North Carolinians in the WRAL/Survey USA. Yet more than half of North Carolinians surveyed — 57 percent — agreed that recreational marijuana should be legalized. There are so many chronic pain sufferers who suffer from severe anxiety and other mental health tests that would be so much better off if it were legalized, so please do the right thing and help save so many lives in so many ways. Elizabeth Cox I`m originally from Michigan and moved here 12 years ago. My home state is now completely legal and we are now aging with medical conditions. Why on earth is this state NOT over time on a commodity that could be taxed to make medical and recreational marijuana completely legal, is beyond me! Michigan, maybe I`ll be back! I`m originally from North Carolina and I was transplanted to Montana where they have an amazing medical cannabis program. After 8 concussions and constant daily migraines, medical cannabis is the only answer. It`s hilarious to think you can go to the store and buy half a gallon of vodka, but cannabis is considered dangerous. Alcohol is by far a worse drug for our society than cannabis has ever been, but you can buy alcohol on almost every street corner. Taxes in a legal cannabis market could also pay off our failing schools, which are still struggling to find funding. It is ridiculous to say that our state would not benefit from cannabis, but our school systems are reluctant to find enough funds to feed and educate children with adequate resources.

The bill would legalize medical marijuana in North Carolina, allowing patients with certain medical conditions and a prescription to purchase cannabis and cannabis-infused products at state-regulated dispensaries. The bill would create an advisory committee and a new commission under the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services that would administer the program. The commission could issue up to 10 medical marijuana licenses to companies to grow and produce marijuana, and each of those 10 businesses could operate up to four dispensaries. Release of medical marijuana in all NCs for end-of-life patients and long-term permanent conditions and diseases that affect daily life and health (i.e. PTSD, insomnia, chronic pain, HIV/AIDS, seizures,) and even relationships. It was legal in the United States before 1973; He will be released and legal again. With all the research on marijuana, legal prescription drugs, illegal drugs, cigarettes (snuff, cigars) and other tobacco products; It is no worse than alcohol, opioids, any street drug and other prescribed medications and their side effects. All the medications I was prescribed bothered my friends and family, as well as my experienced comrades and experienced comrades in many ways and organs without improvement. In the past and present, this natural herb has helped many people and patients around the world. I don`t know why they can`t find a way to tax, sell, prescribe, regulate, and repeal medical, county, and state regulations. What`s the catch.

Moreover, NC always cries over money when the solution lies here and in other states and has proven itself. Even your mentor and big brother VA passed a law and helped the economy, community medical conditions, and government. Too many BS with bureaucrats, distant lobbyists and ridiculous favors while people suffer without real results. “I started my own microdosing procedure without knowing if it would work or not,” Suttle said. “When I came back, we did the CT scan, the tumor hadn`t shrunk, but it hadn`t grown either, and all the swelling in the brain was gone. My speech was back, my vision was back, I didn`t faint, I no longer had verbal aphasia. He also began advocating for cannabis legislation. Five years later, he is still with us.

He thought his efforts would pay off this year, but his hopes were dashed when the General Assembly refused to pass a bill that would have legalized the medical use of marijuana in the suspended legislature a few weeks ago. Although lawmakers voted out of 26. July in Raleigh to end their work this year, it is unlikely that they will pass significant legislation at that time. North Carolina`s drug plan categories are different from the federal plan. In North Carolina, Schedule VI deals with illicit substances that have “currently no accepted medical uses in the United States” and lists only marijuana and its active ingredient, THC. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, in the westernmost part of North Carolina, legalized medical marijuana as well as possession of up to an ounce of marijuana on tribal lands in August 2021. As drafted, the current bill requires five years of experience in the medical marijuana industry. Since medical marijuana is currently illegal in North Carolina, those in the hemp industry would not be able to provide services. The Republican majority in the House of Representatives reportedly voted against including the bill during the brief spring 2022 session. House Speaker Tim Moore (R) said: “There is a lot of concern about this bill at this time.

I think this is something that will really require more study. The Senate quickly introduced this bill. This is one of the most controversial issues in the state and the country,” Dr.