Solutions and tips for all popular word games: Words with Friends, Wordle, Wordscapes and 100 others. WordNet ® Princeton University. You can make 10 words from Scuds according to the US and Canada Scrabble dictionary. Other words can be formed with the same letters: cuds cud sud uds 2. To walk or fly over quickly and easily: dark clouds pass. Check the words in the Scrabble dictionary and make sure it is an official Scrabble word. Yes, scud is a valid Scrabble word. SCUD: run fast or move [v SCUDDED, SCUDDING, SCUDS] Other definitions: How many Scrabble points are Scuds worth? scuds how many points in Words With Friends? What does Scuds mean? Get all these answers on this page. Scuds csuds sucds uscds cusds ucsds scdus csdus sdcus dscus cdsus dcsus sudcs usdcs sducs dsucs udscs cudss ucdss cduss duss udcss ducss scusd csusd uscsd cussd ucssd ucssd scsud csscud cssud suscd ssucd usscd suscd cussd ucssd ucssd ucssd csusd uscsd sucsd csdsu sdcsu dscsu cssdu scsdu scsdu scscu sscu ssdcu dsscu dsscu sdscu cdssu dcssu csdsu sdsu usdsc udssc dussc susdc ussdc ussdc ssudc ussdc susdc susdc sdsuc dssuc ssduc ssduc dssuc sdsuc udssc USDSC USDSC Sudsc DSEC Sdusc Cudss UCDSS CDUSS Duss UDCSS Ducss Ducss UCSDS UCSDS Csuds Scuds USCDS Sucds CDSUS DCSUS CSDUS SCDUS DSCUS UDSCS DUSCS USDC USDC SUDCS DSUCS SDUCS Yes. The word Scuds is an American Scrabble word. The word scuds is worth 8 points in Scrabble: Note: These “words” (valid or invalid) are all permutations of the word scuds. These words are obtained by confusing the letters in Scuds.

Use this Scrabble dictionary checker to find out if a word is acceptable in your Scrabble dictionary®. When you enter a word and click the Check Dictionary button, it simply tells you if it is valid or not, and lists the dictionaries in the case of a valid word. In addition, you can also read the meaning if you want to know more about a particular word. 1. Nautical To walk before a storm with little or no sail. The acronym S.C.U.B.A stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus and was coined by Dr. Christian Lambertsen in 1954 – a new name for his earlier invention, the Lambertsen Amphibious Breathing Unit (LARU). From the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishskew /skjuː/ verb [transitive] 1 If something shows the results of a test, etc. distorted, it affects them and makes them false Everyone we interviewed lived in the same area, which skewed the numbers. Scrub is slang for someone who is simply bad at something – a hack without talent.

This could be in sports, video games, or through TLC`s hit song relationships. The maximum depth someone reaches in a single breath is 702 feet (213.9 meters) and this record was set by Herbert Nitsch in 2007. He also holds the record for the deepest dive without oxygen — he reached a depth of 831 feet (253.2 meters), but suffered a brain injury during the ascent. Definitions of diving in various dictionaries: SCUB – Diving is a type of scuba diving in which the diver uses a completely independent autonomous breathing apparatus (diving). 1. Move or run fast, especially as if being pushed forward. Dive up to 10 meters deep and this pressure is doubled – because water is much denser than air, it exerts a much greater pressure force on your body. For every additional 10 meters of depth you dive, the pressure on your body increases by 1 bar.

2. Low, torn clouds that move rapidly under another cloud layer. 1: laid, placed or inclined: inclined. 2: more developed on one side or in another direction than in another: non-symmetrical.