Uncategorized October 28, 2022
List of Lao Law & Consultancy Group awards and accolades at The Lawyers Global. The above data corresponds to the latest information we have about the company regarding its employees and the languages spoken. If the data is incomplete or out of date, please do not hesitate to contact us here. Note: Read the firm`s description here to see Lao Law & Consultancy Group`s other areas of business. The Lawyers Global® reserves the right not to endorse witness statements or criticism that may be considered defamatory, offensive, abusive, harmful, harassing or illegal. In addition, testimonials or reviews impersonating another user or person discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, national origin, physical disabilities or other types of prejudice. Users must agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. One of our main objectives is to “give complete satisfaction to our customers”. To do this, our communication channels are always open to our customers.
We always welcome customer feedback. If there is an aspect of our services that is relevant to our clients, they are more than welcome to discuss the matter with one of our agents. Or, if desired, customers can discuss their concerns directly with the company`s executive director. We have strong, long-standing relationships with government departments and authorities and can act as agents, intermediaries or intermediaries to assist clients in dealing with such facilities. LAO LAW & CONSULTANCY is the only Lao law firm offering a full range of legal services. More than 50,000 national and international companies from the Lao People`s Democratic Republic were eligible for these awards, of which only 87 were honored in this way. The LAO LAW & CONSULTANCY award was given in recognition of its entrepreneurial excellence in the field of law. LAO LAW & CONSULTANCY was founded in 1998.
Our company handles all questions with care and provides our customers with the best possible results with minimal delay. For this reason, LAO LAW & CONSULTANCY has grown from our humble beginnings to one of the leading legal entities in Laos and its FIRST qualified law firm. All reviews are subject to approval and will be published when approved and approved with user consent. The Lawyers Global® and TLGO – RANKING SERVICES, LDA. will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive or revenue profits or revenues (direct or indirect), loss of data, unauthorized or inappropriate use, goodwill or any other intangible loss resulting from user reviews or testimonials. Contact Information: Purchase the Lao Law & Consultancy Group report to view the information. For the convenience of customers, our company can offer special agreements for credit and payment, tailored to the needs of customers. Lao Law & Consultancy Group is based in Laos. The head office is located in Vientiane.
She works in the field of legal services. It was founded in 1998. Lord. Terry HurlockIntellectual Property Marketing Supervisor allows you to oversee all the changes that take place in the law firms you follow. To track them, click Set up notification. We offer a full range of legal services, including testimonials and reviews published on The Lawyers Global website®, which must be reviewed and approved prior to publication. They are displayed verbatim, except for the correction of grammatical or typographical errors. Lao Law & Consultancy Group maintains close links with various ministries (Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Resources and Environment, Department of Geology; Ministry of Energy and Mines; Ministry of Science and Technology; Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Lao Youth Union, Central Bank of the Lao People`s Democratic Republic, etc.) and Government of the Lao People`s Democratic Republic.
LLC has a very good experience in assisting the Company in obtaining the operating permit, concession contract and all necessary licenses to operate the projects in Laos. These include mining projects, hydroelectric projects, special economic zone projects, banking licences and other activities. The address in Myanmar is: Room 1001A, 10th Fl., Tower A, Myawaddy Bank Tower, Corner of Wartan St. & Bogkyoke St., Lamadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar Dr. Sery, has the following qualifications: Doctor of International Law and International Development Finance Institutions (1973) from the University of France; PhD in Territorial Disputes in Asia (1981); Admitted to the Bar (1972); Bachelor of Law-Contemporary History (1972); Diploma in Rural Legislation and Economics (1970) and Diploma in Political Studies (1969). Dr. Sery has a highly qualified knowledge of dispute resolution and litigation at all local, national and international levels, as he has over 35 years of experience in courts and the bar. Mr. Sayavong has over 30 years of experience specializing in real estate transactions.
He has unique knowledge of the procedures, documents and complexities associated with property transfers in the Lao People`s Democratic Republic. Mr. Sayavong holds a number of management positions in various organizations in the country, including more than 10 years of professional experience in the field of intellectual property at the national and international levels. Mr. Sayavong also has extensive experience in intellectual property matters such as litigation, dispute resolution, and advisory services and advice. It can bring these skills in a way that is both practical and appropriate in the context of local, regional and international IP law. Lord. As Executive Director, Sayavong also brings extensive expertise in corporate reporting, management and strategic business to our company. He has been a member of the Professional category: Senior Counsel, Victoria/Australia Law Institute (2003); ASEAN Intellectual Property Association; Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (HATSUMEI KYOKAI) and Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) of Japan (1997). Google Maps is only available to enterprise customers. Registered Attorney No.
88 (Ministry of Justice) LAO LAW & CONSULTANCY GROUP LLC Building, Nongbone Road, Ban Nongbone Saysetha District P.O. Box 925 Vientiane, LAO P.D.R Tel. : (856 21) 261391, 264866, 264877 Fax: (856 21) 264344 E-mail: laolaws@laolaws.com Website: www.laolaws.com The award for LAO LAW & CONSULTANCY was awarded in recognition of entrepreneurial excellence in the field of law. If you would like to discuss any matter related to our services, please do not hesitate to contact one of us in our company. Our company hopes to help you in the near future.