Uncategorized December 2, 2022
TARIFF. Customs, taxes, tolls. or the tribute payable on goods to the State is called customs; The duty rate &c. also has this name and the list of dutiable items is also known as the customs tariff. 2. For the customs tariff on imports of foreign goods into the United States. The term tariff is also used in relation to the actual duty(s) actually payable on these items. A commercial cartel, tax book, table or catalogue, usually in alphabetical order, containing the names of the different types of goods, the duties or duties payable as regulated by the authority or agreed between the different princes and states that maintain trade together. Enc. strong.; Railway Co. v.
Cushman, 92 tex. 023, 50 s. w. 1000. A list or list of items on which tax is levied when imported into the United States, along with the rates at which they are taxed separately. Also customs duties or duties payable on these goods. And, derivatively, the system or principle of collecting customs duties on the importation of foreign goods. The list of items subject to import duty in the United States, as well as the rates at which these items are taxed.