. A private charge of tort (dikē pseudomartyriōn) against a witness whose false testimony influenced the verdict. A successful plaintiff in a private trial had to serve the sentence himself by seizing the defendant`s property.n When a person was convicted of a crime, there was a second part of the trial where the jury voted on the sentence to be applied. The jury`s decision was final. There was no appeal to the ancient Athenian court. In 620 BC, Draco, the first creator of laws in ancient Athens, replaced these family feuds with a written code to be enforced by a court. The first law written by Draco stated that the punishment for murder was exile from the country. The jury was not questioned about the case before the trial began. The number of jurors and the fact that they swore by the gods Demeter, Apollo and Zeus ensured that they would remain impartial and vote regardless of their feelings based on the law. Solon wrote many family laws that set guidelines for men, women, and their relationships. He wrote laws on marriage, adoption, and inheritance. The penalties provided for by these laws were not determined in advance, but determined by the head of the family. The role of women in Greek law is very weak.

The official guardian of the women or Kyrios was responsible. The Kyrios was either the father of a daughter or her husband. On occasion, women have appeared in court to present evidence in a murder case or to try to pity the emotions of the jury. In order to carry out the right sentences, the Athenians needed a system to condemn and condemn the guilty. This was the beginning of the democratic judicial system we know today. At that time, there were no professional lawyers. Court officials were not paid much, and most trials ended on the same day. Tort laws included situations in which someone caused harm to a person or something they owned. Draco and Solon wrote specific punishments for each type of crime. The verdict for most crimes involved paying money to the victim as part of the punishment. For example, the penalty for a flight depended on the original amount stolen.

If your dog has bitten your neighbor, you may be asked to abandon your dog with a wooden safety collar around your neck. In addition to these types of violation laws, Solon also wrote laws for the location of houses, ditches, and water wells. There were even laws to determine the location of hives and trees. Επισκέψεις – Συναντήσεις του Βουλευτή της Νέας Δημοκρατίας Π.Ε. Κοζάνης Γιώργου Αμανατίδη στην Πτολεμαΐδα De 1200 à 900 av. The ancient Greeks had no formal judicial system. If you committed murder during this time, you will likely be killed by the victim`s family members. It wasn`t until the middle of the 7th century BC that official laws were enacted and the concept of the process began with a jury of peers. The trial took place between one person who argued that an illegal act had taken place and the other who pleaded his defence. Depending on where you are in the world, a jury today can have six to fifteen members.

In ancient Greece, the smallest number of members on a jury was 201, but the average jury consisted of 501 members. Some juries had 2001 or more members. The idea of having so many judges was to prevent the jury from being bribed. There was always an odd number of judges, so there was no tie. The procedural laws instructed judges and juries how to apply other laws. For example, a procedural law would determine the number of witnesses in a murder trial. Our editors will review what you have submitted and decide if the article needs to be revised. Women and men who were not citizens were not allowed to serve as jurors. Although men over the age of 18 can participate in the drafting of laws, only those over the age of 30 can serve as jurors. The jury of each day was chosen by lot. Most of the time, many more citizens showed up, hoping to be part of a jury than the number was actually needed.

The Athenian statesman Solon was appointed official legislator around 594 BC. J.-C. Solon wrote many laws applied in the Athenian courts. There are four types of laws: tort laws, family laws, public laws and procedural laws. After both sides presented their arguments, the jury voted. They had two floppy disks, one for each side of the case. There was no discussion among the panelists. Each member of the jury placed their disc in a ballot box marked for the person for whom they wanted to get their vote. Whoever received the most votes won the case. Public law sets out guidelines on how public functions and services are to be exercised.

For example, these types of laws would determine the export and import of goods and the amount of land a man could own. As they were run by amateurs, classes were often very chaotic. The people who presented the cases were not professional lawyers, so they sometimes tried to appeal to the emotions of the jury rather than the details of the law. Juries were often out of control. Jury members often shouted or insulted those presenting their arguments. Μια τέτοια αγωγή μπορεί να ασκηθεί χωρίς να βασίζεται στο άρθρο 709 του Αστικού Κώδικα ή, σε άλλη περίπτωση, στο δίκαιο των αδικοπραξιών.