True freedom is when you feel truly free – emotionally, mentally and spiritually – because you live life in accordance with who you really are. Matthew 9:2-7 ESV 2 And behold, some people brought him a paralytic man lying on a bed. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic: “Take courage, my son! Your sins are forgiven. 3 And behold, some scribes said to themselves, “This man blasphemy. 4 But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your heart? 5 For what is easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven” or to say, “Arise and walk”? 6 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,” and then he said to the paralytic, “Get up, take your bed, and go home.” 7 And he got up and went home. « The heart is deceitful about everything and hopelessly evil: who can know? » (Jeremiah 17:9). This is God`s view of human nature, although most people don`t believe in it. Do you recognize evil in your own heart – or are you, like most others, deceived about human nature? For me, purpose means knowing the meaning of your life, knowing your core values, knowing what makes your heart sing, and living your life by it every day. True freedom is about having the resilience to recover from life`s setbacks and disappointments, and having the patience to wait for the right moment. If you`ve been keeping up with the news lately, you may have seen that we just had Freedom Day behind us here in Scotland. Presumably, August 9 was the day the Scots were liberated.

More social distancing, more Covid restrictions. While I`m happy about these things, it leads me to ask the question: Is this true freedom? Is freedom simply the end of Covid restrictions? If so, were we all really free before March 2020 was hit? We have been deceived into believing the exact opposite—that God`s law somehow enslaves us. It`s not true! Beware of people – no man can give you true freedom! Only God can do this. Galatians 5:1, 13 ESV 1 For freedom, Christ set us free; So stand firm and do not submit to another yoke of slavery. 13 For you are called to freedom, brethren. True freedom is when you can stay calm in the middle of a storm and adjust your sail to the wind. You are free to be the true you, created in the image of God, full of life and purpose. You are free to live in the present, thrive, and move forward with your life. Christ set us free. We can let go of anything that tries to hold on to the past, to things that are not in accordance with God`s will. I don`t care who calls it freedom; There is no freedom to deal with pornography and drugs! This is slavery! It enslaves individuals and leads to the enslavement of the entire nation! It`s no wonder marriage has declined by 39% over the past 100 years.

People are looking for freedom, aren`t they? No strings attached. No obligation. People want an easy way out when they feel limited or when they “fall in love.” There are many things in life that we desperately desire (and need) to be liberated, and I don`t diminish them. However, the purpose of this blog is to discover how our culture of freedom`s vision of freedom (and how it is realized) is the exact opposite of biblical freedom. We must realize what this state of mind does to us! It tears our families apart and, in many cases, leaves our children without the proper love and protection of their mother and father. Then they themselves become very susceptible to drug addiction and sex addiction! Isn`t this exactly how Satan painted freedom for Adam and Eve so many years ago? “Did God really say that you shouldn`t eat of the fruit of this tree?” (Genesis 3:1) “You want to be free? Don`t listen to God, follow your heart. Follow your instincts! Don`t live life within limits, life is too short, live your dreams! The second is the freedom of each person to worship God in their own way, anywhere in the world. If you are free from past wounds, negativity (your own or someone else`s), or anything that limits you, then you are free to be and do what God has commanded for you. Where is God in all this freedom? Left on the sidelines, labeled as restrictive, outdated, irrelevant. As Patricia Sampson boldly stated; “Autonomy is the only way to true freedom… According to Patricia, finding freedom means living as the god of her life.

Is that freedom? How many of these people have become addicted to drugs and cannot stop? Even low drug use can cause irreparable damage to their minds. In addition to this catastrophic effect, how many of these people inject or smell an ever-increasing share of their income at the expense of their families? How many have to resort to less and less savory activities to finance their drug use habits? Yet God, in His love, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to come to earth and die willingly in the place of sinners like us, to absorb all our sins, rebellion, and iniquities. Therefore, all those who entrust their whole lives to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins will be saved from their bondage to sin and will receive eternal life in Him, and will enjoy an intimate and personal connection and relationship with God Himself. If you know your purpose and consciously live it every day, you are free. Even if you work for someone else, you are still a leader directing your changing life. If you know the answer to the question “What is the meaning of my life?”, you can remain calm in the midst of the storm. You will be able to live on a deeper level where superficial events cannot blow you away. Their purpose ensures unwavering stability and security.

The same goes for drugs. We have developed a drug culture in America and Britain. Mentally damaging, escape drugs are becoming more common and popular, going far beyond the pockets of big cities. They support the lives of people of all income levels, from all walks of life. Up to 1 in 10 young people aged 12 to 17 use drugs regularly! Our entertainment is increasingly obsessed with the world of drugs. Often, we see high-profile artists struggling with severe addiction and even dying prematurely from overdoses. We rarely think about this question, and yet we all have an answer to it. We think we know what freedom is. We think that is obvious. The only true freedom of these things comes from God. If you try to solve the problem solely on a human level, it never really solves the problem and often makes it worse. We believe that once our special freedom is achieved, all our problems will be solved.

What for? Now that I am able to make positive changes in the world, I want to inspire you to find meaning in your life, because only by living a meaningful life can you feel spiritually, emotionally, and spiritually free. My friends, we are all prisoners of something. If it is not the Lord, it is sin, and that sin will ultimately lead to death. Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We all deserve death, but Jesus, the perfect, spotless Son of God, gave up his own freedom so that we could enjoy the freedom we find only in Him. Do you want to experience true freedom today? Are there old habits you just can`t fight? Do you feel restless and burdened by life? Plagued by feelings of guilt about past mistakes? When you learn to become the master of your mind – namely that you are responsible for your attitude, thoughts, beliefs and fears; Knowing that you don`t have to feel trapped and become a victim of the rules you`ve set for yourself, you`ll experience true freedom. And that freedom begins with you and within you. If you want to be a Christian, you must follow Christ (1 Peter 2:21). Christ lived His life in complete submission to God`s law. He resisted the attractions of His flesh instead of being overwhelmed by them! We must be like Christ, free from human nature! Most people don`t even know what human nature is. The paradox of the Bible is that true freedom comes from obedience. If we really want to experience freedom today, if we want to walk freely in an open place, we must not stray from God`s Word. There`s the freedom we feel when we`re no longer in the slavery of the past, old habits, negativity, a bad relationship, and so many other things that feel like a ball and chain around our ankles.

True freedom does not come from the resources to change external circumstances, but from the ability to manage one`s inner self. Many people would consider it a freedom to destroy their lives with deadly drugs. This is not freedom! Instead, they became completely slaves to drugs! It`s easy to see — while struggling with their addiction, ruining their families, their careers, their lives — that alcoholics are not free. Once they may have thought that alcohol gave them freedom, but in reality, it enslaved them! True freedom means being free from shame in our marriages.